The vision for Brunel Park is being developed by the Brunel Park Partnership and a planning application has been submitted to South Hams District Council.
The multi-million-pound development aims to breathe new life into the long-derelict site and regenerate it for the benefit of the town.
At its heart, the Brunel Park scheme is focused on creating a new community hub in the restored Brunel Building, also known as the Brunel Pumping Station, which dates from 1848, with the original adjacent chimney restored and retained.
The Brunel Building would be operated by a Community Interest Company (CIC) as an independent, not-for-profit hub for the community. How the facility is used would be shaped by the CIC in partnership with the people of Totnes, but the new Brunel community hub could offer:
- Spaces for local artists, performers, and groups to host art, music, theatre, and live workshops, classes, and exhibitions
- Restaurant and bar
- Performance spaces
- Public spaces for use by community groups such as toddler groups, exercise classes or for public meetings
- Recording studios
- Youth facility
The Brunel Park scheme also includes plans for the creation of:
- A mixture of housing with 79 new homes
- A collection of business units and offices
- Local shops
- Critical flood defences to benefit the town
- Extensive green space with pedestrian links through to the riverside path and cycleway
The proposals have been prepared with a commitment to using renewable technologies wherever possible. The scheme also provides for enhanced biodiversity and the protection of local eco-habitats, including construction of a new bat house which is already consented.
Here is the key to the masterplan image, shown right:
- Bat House
- Parking for Apartments
- Private Service Road
- Apartment Block (29 x 1-bedroom units)
- 34 x 2/3bedroom Dwellings
- Leat Throttle Structure
- SUDS Swales
- Grass Bank
- Flood Storage Area
- Commercial Unit Parking
- Bin Store
- Commercial Unit Parking
- Connection to River Dart
- Cycle Store
- SUDS Attenuation Pond
- Existing Bridges (raised)
- Railway Cottages (16 units)
- Pedestrian Plaza
- Public Footpath
- Piazza (Retail Units)
- Brunel (Pumping House)